My Work.
Some of my completed work and works in progress listed here. Sign up for my newsletter for information on the latest developments. For business inquiries, further samples are available upon request.
When Addie’s twin sister, Beatrice, falls ill before a presentation that could make or break her career, Addie agrees to impersonate her at work. But what was supposed to be a one-time favor turns into a long-term, high stakes sister swap when the cold, stern CEO likes one of Addie’s ideas. Now the sisters have to keep switching back and forth on the job. But with the CEO starting to fall for Addie and the cute front desk guy in love with Beatrice, can the twin sisters manage to keep up the con without breaking anyone’s hearts?
Read Twin or Lose only on Tapas. Writer: Jordan Jackson Artist: ChoHanny Colorist: Chiizubear Storyboard Artists: Neyzta and tenayuki Tapas Editor: Meghan Callahan Kisai Editors: Nu and Khamila Developed by Meghan Callahan Produced by Tapas Media and Kisai Entertainment Published by TAPAS MEDIA 2022 A non-profit charity fanzine all about X-Men characters Rogue & Gambit.
Jordan contributed a written piece to this zine illustrated by Ludi Ling. Support Home & Harbor here. |

Echoes in the Empty is a science fiction audiodrama, starring Bianca Ibarra, George Pierce, Thomas Weitzel, and Casie Luong. - Stay tuned!
Written and directed by Jordan Jackson
Sound mixing by Matthew Busby and Rowen Lee.
Logo by Azriel Lee.
Written and directed by Jordan Jackson
Sound mixing by Matthew Busby and Rowen Lee.
Logo by Azriel Lee.
I wrote words and made actors say them out loud. Bwahahaha. Check out a playlist of sketch comedy and sitcoms I wrote below!
Stay tuned!